Thomas Wingfold Chapters 11 - 28
Note: We are off to a fine start. My heartfelt thanks to each of you who commented after the entry on Chapters 1 - 10. I personally found the comments very helpful and I’m sure all who read them have. We hope to see more participation. Please feel free to express whatever reactions–positive or negative–you may have, as you react honestly to the text. MacDonald is concerned in this novel, as in many others, with carefully delineating the experience of various individuals and personality types as they become aware of their need for God, and who then by steps move into a happy and productive relationship with him. Our reading in this week’s chapters concerns the initial process of awakening as it is taking place in Thomas Wingfold and in Helen. After a restless night, Wingfold awakes “consciously uncomfortable,” with the terrible realization that “his very life was a lie.” He had been reading each Sunday morning a sermon co...