Robert Frost's poem altered
Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets, and I have many of his poems by heart, often putting myself to sleep by reciting them in my mind. But I am sorry for his lack of faith. I’ve taken the liberty to take his poem “Reluctance” and adjust the ending to my liking: "Out through the fields and the woods/ And over the walls I have wended/ I’ve climbed the hills of view/ And looked on the world and descended;/ I’ve come by the highway home,/ And low it is ended./ Oh, when to the heart of man/ Was it ever less than treason/ To withhold one’s heart from God/ And seek recourse in reason;/ To ignore the Gospel truth/ And refuse life’s joyous season./ God awaits the heart’s decision/ To trust Him, one' self denying/ And be shown the path of life/ Utterly on Him relying;/ To hold with faith the promises/ And gladly await one’s dying. (With apologies to Robert Frost)